About Us

In March 2012, Teck invited representatives from the communities in the Elk Valley and Crowsnest Pass to join an advisory initiative created to foster dialogue and communications about Teck’s operations and their areas of influence within these communities. This initiative corresponds withone of Teck’s community sustainability goals: to put processes in place to maximize community benefits and collaboration. The initiative is one way industry,groups and individuals can work together to tackle issues and challenges in the community. It is also a vehicle to share information about Teck’s operations and activities with the community and to gain feedback from them.

With a chair, vice chair and student chair, the steering committee meets once per quarter. The steering committee is elected by the wider group of initiative partners and is limited to 13 members — with at least one person for each area of interest and one person from each of the neighbouring communities. In addition, two meetings per year are held which are open to all interested community partners. An independent third party helped the initiative partners establish terms of reference and a structure for the panel, which includes task forces to assist in the strategic direction on a short-term basis and standing committees on a longer-term basis.